Stay Curious
Try Alpha
Alpha is a tool for Christians to examine and understand their faith. Pope Francis says, "Evangelization does not begin by seeking to convince others, but by bearing witness each day to the love that has watched over us and lifted us back up". Do you have questions about how you follow Jesus in your daily life and what it actually means to be Catholic? Do you ever wish you understood your own faith and expressed it a bit better?
Alpha is an exploration of the Christian faith in a relaxed and non-threatening way, over a course that consists of 10 weekly sessions. Each session is usually held in a parishioner's house and begins with a meal, followed by a short film or talk about the theme for the evening. After a coffee break everyone divides into small groups to discuss issues raised by the talk. People contribute to the discussion in whatever way they feel comfortable and no question is regarded as too hostile or too simple.
At the moment our first course is ongoing in the Church Hall at St Joseph's, at 7:30 pm on a Monday. Please feel free to drop in.